Join the StlPickleball Group on for great St. Louis Pickleball info and updates

Gloria Reilly, Kathy Westerbeck, Connie Reker, Ann & Michael Chapin are all endorsing this the new StlPickleball Group on We are hopful to have all interested pickleball players in the St. Louis area aware of news, events, information, etc. all relating to St. Louis area Pickleball. Because of our rapid growth and major enthusiam for playing pickleball in St. Louis, we now need to upgrade our communications system. Some other areas use this Wiggio site very successfully for their pickleball communications. Others use established pages on Facebook and Twitter. The folks mentioned above are committed to making this Wiggio system work because it is proven by other clubs and everyone is able to join with just having an email address which most everyone has as oppposed to the other tools where many people need to create profiles/pages in order to get information.
While we are in the start up phase of this site, please note that there will be some confusion and repeated messages that are sent out from the administrators. We are learning the functionality just like you. We also know that people need to set-up their email account settings on Wiggio to allow for the type or amount of emails they receive each time a post is made to the site (see Tips below). We understand that no one wants their email inboxes inundated with messages or to receive unnecessary emails/spam. Our intentions are to have a system that works well and that everyone will be able to be informed in a timely manner. Thank you for being patient with the process and not posting negatively based posts. If you have complaints or questions, we would invite you to email them to us directly on this websiteor directly to one of the administrators. We will be happy to discuss and try to solve your issues as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your support of the StlPickleball group on
Tips on Using Wiggio #1
Dear Pickleball Players, There has been some confusion and the Wiggio service. The beauty of this service is that you are in control of how often you wish to receive emails. Since most of us do not wish to be overwhelmed by group messages please do the following:
Enter the group Find the line that says “Notify me via email” Click on it and select DAILY SUMMARY and SAVE If you chose not to belong PLEASE go to the end of this message (THE BLACK BOX) and click on “STOP RECEIVING EMAILS FROM THIS GROUP”. You can do this at any time once you have joined. Please be aware that we will no longer be sending out pickleball updates other than through this service. If you do not want to belong, then we encourage you to check the St. Louis site. There will be information about the local pickleball events and places to play calendar located there. Thanks, Kathy and Gloria
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