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Welcome to the New STL Pickleball Blog

Pickleball is more than just a sport. It is also a community of people who love to play a fun game, master the finer points and strategies of playing, and smile at the end of a game by tapping paddles and having a good laugh.. win or lose.

We are still evolving as a sport and as a community in the St. Louis area. Personally, my wife Ann and I have just hit our year anniversary with playing the game. In that time, we have bought paddles, joined the USAPA and became local Ambassadors, played in our first tournaments, developed this cool website and unique logo, and met a heck of a lot a great new people and made good friends.

With all that there is still so much that we are looking forward in the future... Things like permanent outdoor courts, more local tournament play, more play opportunities during the day and evening, St. Louis Pickleball Club and certainly more players. So much of our success thusfar with the growth of the game locally, places to play, court conversions, smaller tournaments, etc. is because of the efforts and success of you all who love and play this game week in and week out.

You are the ones to talk about the game to friends and others who might not know the game or only "heard about it". You are the ones that lend a paddle to someone trying it out for the first time. You are the ones that wear your St. Louis Pickleball Logo Shirts so proudly especially at out of the area venues. You are responsible for our growth and success and with that we need to "keep the momentum going".

Part of this new STL Pickleball Blog is to have more of an interactive site where you can post questions, thoughts, tips, ideas, comments onto the site and then respond to others when you feel inclined to respond. We want to make this a fun and supported effort. Pictures and videos are certainly encouraged.

Give it a try and we'll look forward to what everyone will be sharing soon.

Until next time, Go St. Louis Pickleball. We hope to see you on the court soon!


Michael Chapin

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