St. Louis Pickleball on TV!
On the June 23rd episode of The Allman Report on ABC Channel 30, Victoria Babu interviewed Mike Chapin of StLouisPickleball.com and local...

Multi-Court Permanent Pickleball Courts Being Constructed in St. Louis!
It has been a few months since my last BLOG post, mostly because we've been quite busy with pickleball as St. Louis USAPA Ambassadors,...

Pickleball: St. Louis and Beyond
Pickleball Growth The sun is shining. Cardinals baseball is back. The Blues won a playoff game. Certainly lots to be excited about...

What's your excuse?
If you had a chance to attend one of Des Hilton's pickleball clinics, he has a saying that the game is about "minimizing mistakes". This...

Join the StlPickleball Group on Wiggio.com for great St. Louis Pickleball info and updates
Gloria Reilly, Kathy Westerbeck, Connie Reker, Ann & Michael Chapin are all endorsing this the new StlPickleball Group on Wiggio.com. We...

What's your pickleball skill-level rating?
As an USAPA Ambassador, many times I am asked, "What skill level am I" when a player is trying to figure out where they rate in...